Fortress Press

The Histories of the Latin American Church: A Handbook

The Histories of the Latin American Church

A Handbook

Joel M. Cruz (Author)


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The unique political, ecclesial, social, and historical realities of Latin American nations create a variety of Christian expressions in each. Now, for the first time, a resource exists to help students and scholars understand the histories of Latin American Christianity. An ideal resource, this handbook is designed as an accompaniment to reading and research in the field. After a generous overview to the history and theology of the region, the text moves nation-by-nation, providing timelines, outlines, and substantial introductions to the politics, people, movements, and relevant facts of Latin American Christianity.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451465648
  • eBook ISBN 9781451469745
  • Dimensions 7.5 x 9.25
  • Pages 656
  • Publication Date November 15, 2014


How to Use This Book
Part I
1. Latin America                 
2. Christianity in Latin America: A Short History
3. The Latin American Bible
4. Brief Introduction to Theology in Latin America
5. Religious Traditions
Part II
6. Argentina                                          17. Honduras
7. Bolivia                                               18. México
8. Brazil                                                 19. Nicaragua
9. Chile                                                  20. Panamá
10. Colombia                                       21. Paraguay
11. Costa Rica                                     22. Perú
12. Cuba                                               23. Puerto Rico
13. Dominican Republic                    24. Uruguay
14. Ecuador                                          25. Venezuela
15. El Salvador                                    26. Latinos in the United States
16. Guatemala    


"The Histories of the Latin American Church: A Handbook is a much-needed, splendid introduction to the diverse Christian communities that inhabit the spiritual imaginations of Latin American and Caribbean men and women. The author is deeply aware of the significant changes in the global spread of Christianity—from the North and West to the South and East—and the increasing varieties of its ecclesiastic theologies, liturgies, and institutions. Its wide-ranging perspective combines academic thoroughness and ecumenical empathy. I strongly recommend its careful and attentive reading to anybody with interest in either Latin American and Caribbean social history or the history of the Christian faith."
—Luis N. Rivera-Pagán, Henry Winters Luce Professor in Ecumenics and Mission Emeritus
Princeton Theological Seminary

"This ambitious book is an invaluable resource for those interested in Latin American religion. Cruz’s text provides comprehensive accounts of the big stories of Latin American religious history, while remaining sensitive to many of its forgotten little stories. Although no single volume can fully capture the countless expressions of Latin American religiosity, this balanced work moves skillfully in the right direction, inspiring us to explore further."
Christopher D. Tirres
DePaul University

"When considering the historicized story of Christianity as a global movement, there is no more intricate terrain than the Latin American expression of that story. In The Histories of the Latin American Church, the author provides a usable cartography to navigate the complex interactions between long-standing spiritual traditions, diverse ethnic and cultural groupings, contextual and universal exigencies, and politico-religious practices in the shaping of assorted representations of autochthonous Christian narratives and communities. The map of this vast continent has been made more comprehensible once again through the keen eye of a historian who is capable of pinpointing, through concise narrative and abridged charts, whatever is pertinent and indispensable to reenter the geo-religious landscape of a dynamic cristianismo that is still persistently emerging."
José R. Irizarry
Cambridge College, Puerto Rico


Review in CHOICE