Fortress Press

Introduction to the History of Christianity: Second Edition, Course Pack

Introduction to the History of Christianity

Second Edition, Course Pack

Tim Dowley (Editor)


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The most popular introduction to Christianity ever published, Dowley's work tells in an engaging way the dramatic, intriguing, and often surprising story of Christians in their 2000-year journey. The book includes over 400 photographs and 30 maps, charts, and diagrams. 

Each new copy is packaged with the paperback A Study Companion to Introduction to the History of Christianity, which contains essential primary readings, biographical information, thematic explorations of historical themes that are important today, as well as a host of other pedagogical tools that will enrich the student’s experience.

Authoritative content, comprehensive scope, arresting four-color illustration, and innovative learning aids, now in multiple formats for complete versatility.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Bundle; Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451465426
  • Dimensions 7.5 x 9.25
  • Pages 688
  • Publication Date October 1, 2013


"Introduction to the History of Christianity addresses key people and figures so that students have background in class discussions, has sidebars to help focus on particular people or issues, and also weaves topics into various sections to show how concepts are linked."
—Brian Dennert,
Trinity Christian College

"Introduction to the History of Christianity covers most of the things I want to make sure are addressed, and it does so in a reasonably non-sectarian way. Dowley’s book is quite efficient in presenting this data in ways that allow students to take notes as they read the book. One feature of this book that I think goes some good distance in helping with this is the use of the sidebars on specific individuals and topics. Digging a little deeper into a historical individual through a sidebar, outside of the main body of the text, makes it easier for students to focus on that person and the data they need to glean."
—Tom Miles,
Nazarene Theological Seminary

"This is a book whose honesty, scholarship, and general attractiveness commend it even to the nonreligious reader."
Publishers Weekly

"If you have only one church history book, this should be it. No other survey so attractively combines accuracy and readability with an abundance of well-chosen illustrations. It will please both those who like to read about the past and those who never knew how interesting it could be."
— Christianity Today

"This fine handbook...with its charts, maps, diagrams, and color illustrations will help readers through the maze of complex Christian history."
— New York Times

My Teaching Tools

Test and Answer Key

To receive the Premade Test and Answer Key for this textbook contact our Textbook Adoption Consultant

Instructor's Guide: Resources for Class

Includes links to articles, videos, interviews, websites, and more for use in your class lectures and discussions!
Download the guide

Student Guide: Key Figures

Features the biographies and essential writings of key figures from Christian history for use in your course!
Key Figures in Christian History study guide

Sample Syllabi

Syllabus from Fortress Press

Syllabi from current users

Critical Developments in the History of Christianity, Nazarene Theological Seminary, Tom Miles
History of Christianity, Trinity Christian College, Brian C. Dennert


My Study Tools

Student Guide: Key Figures

Features the biographies and essential writings of key figures from Christian history for use in your course!
Key Figures in Christian History study guide