Fortress Press

God, Dreams, and Revelation

God, Dreams, and Revelation

Morton T. Kelsey (Author)


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What does the Bible say about dreams? Does God actually speak to us through them? How can they become a source of spiritual insight into life?

Morton T. Kelsey, well-known for his writings that connect psychology and religion, puts the meaning of dreams into perspective and helps the reader discover again the richness of the Christian tradition.

In this revised and expanded edition, he summarizes new findings in dream research and provides an updated bibliography. A substantial appendix of additional material and an index give further assistance to readers.

In his overview of the history of the interpretation of dreams, the author traces the development of Judeo-Christian attitudes about dreams from Old and New Testament times, through the period of the Enlightenment, to the present. Citing Scripture and the views of such diverse writers as St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Plato, Freud, and Jung, Kelsey sets down some practical suggestions for Christians today who wish to understand and learn from their dreams and appreciate the richness of the images and symbols they contain.
  • Publisher Augsburg Books
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806625430
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 312
  • Publication Date January 1, 1991

Table of Contents


1. Why Bother with Dreams?
2. The Dreams of the Hebrews and Other Ancient Peoples
3. The Greek Attitude toward the Dream
4. The Dreams and Visions of the New Testament
5. The Dreams and Visions of the Early Christians
6. The Dreams of the victorious Christian Church
7. Modern Christianity and the Dream
8. Psychologist Explore the Dream
9. A Return to the Christian Interpretation of Dreams

A. Tertullian: A treatise on the Soul-Chapters 44-49
B. Origen: Against Celsus—Book 1, Chapter 48 C. Gregory of Nyssa: On the Making of Man- Chapter 13
D. St. Augustine: Letter 9
E. St. Augustine: Letter 159 F. Synesius of Cyrene: Excerpts from Concerning Dreams
G. Benedict Pourers: De Magi
