Justice in an Unjust World
Foundations for a Christian Approach to Justice
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Have we heard the cry for justice that rises from humanity suffering from varieties of injustice: economic, sexual, political, cultural, verbal? Or, what is more, have Christians on occasion, knowingly or unknowingly, acquiesced in or even contributed to injustice?
By means of powerful and dramatic use of biblical images and models, Dr. Lebacqz sets before us the justice of God and God's call for us to heed the cry of the suffering and to work for justice in an unjust world.
"This significant work, a creative approach to a theory of justice, takes us into the coherent theory of justice, biblically rooted, of the liberation perspective."
Larry Rasmussen, Union Seminary, New York
"The content of this book is truly important, the style vivid, engaging, and consonant with the approach. The narrative descriptions are powerful, with a compelling use of biblical stories to make the main point: the multifaceted nature of God's response to injustice."
James B. Nelson, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities