Fortress Press

Pastor as Person: Maintaining Personal Integrity in the Choices & Challenges of Ministry

Pastor as Person

Maintaining Personal Integrity in the Choices & Challenges of Ministry

Gary L. Harbaugh (Author)


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Harbaugh captures your interest with dramatic stories of the inner lives of working pastors, weaving these stories into patterns of meaning from his own reflection and research. An excellent study guide for the individual pastor, the pastor's support group, or the seminary class that really wants to come to grips with the dilemmas of being a person who is also a pastor.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806621159
  • eBook ISBN 9781451408317
  • Dimensions 6 x 8
  • Pages 172
  • Publication Date January 1, 1985


"Gary Harbaugh has touched upon sensitive and significant issues for clergy -- stress, dependency, anger, choice, feelings and faith, and commitment -- sensitive because they touch the person of the clergy and significant because of how that person touches others."
-- Peter L. Steinke, author, director of clergy care,
Lutheran Social Service, Dallas, Texas

"Harbaugh offers a carefully charted vision of pastors as 'wholistic persons' who are defined, above all, by their ability to make responsible choices."
-- Donald Capps, professor of pastoral theology,
Princeton Theological Seminary

Table of Contents


1. The Pastor as Person: A (W)holistic Model

2. The Pastor as a Physical Person

3. The Pastor as a Thinking Person

4. The Pastor as a Feeling Person

5. The Pastor as a Relating Person

6. The Pastor as a Choosing Person
