Fortress Press

Acts of the Apostles: Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries

Acts of the Apostles

Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries

Ronald J. Allen (Author)


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Readings from Acts are offered only during Easter, so how can preachers make this important book come alive throughout the church year?

Acts of the Apostles helps the preacher identify possibilities for sermons based on texts and themes in the book of Acts. While offering a basic exegetical framework for interpreting passages in Acts in their historical, literary, rhetorical, and theological contexts, this volume also suggests ways in which the preacher can relate passages and motifs from Acts to the congregation and world today.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800698720
  • eBook ISBN 9781451426441
  • Brand Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 240
  • Publication Date May 1, 2013


"Ron Allen's new commentary on Acts is a gem for preachers. Allen honors the otherness of Biblical texts and helps interpreters engage critically the theological issues that emerge out of struggling faithfully with them. In the process, Allen invites all of us through his commentary to bear our own witness to the realm of God in today's church."
—David Schnasa Jacobsen
Boston University School of Theology
"For the preacher who feels as if Luke's Gospel is just getting started, Allen's commentary tells the rest of the story with theological and hermeneutical accessibility and depth. The literary and thematic integration of Luke and its second volume as homiletical principle and potential for interpreting Acts has never been more promising."
—Karoline M. Lewis
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.