Fortress Press

Domestic Violence: What Every Pastor Needs to Know: Second Edition

Domestic Violence

What Every Pastor Needs to Know: Second Edition

Al Miles (Author)


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According to the American Medical Association, one quarter of American women will be abused by an intimate partner at some point in their lives. Loving support can make a tremendous difference to survivors as they struggle with the difficult process of healing and regaining trust in themselves and others. Often, however, pastoral caregivers possess the same misconceptions about domestic violence as does the uninformed public.

Al Miles addresses the issues related to inadequate pastoral response to this pervasive problem. He explores the dynamics of abusive relationships and the role that clergy members can take to heal this painful situation.

The new edition of Domestic Violence builds upon the insights, policies, and programs of the original volume and includes new information on the pathology of domestic violence and the effect the economic downturn is having on victim-survivors and batterers. Miles also focuses on helping clergy and other pastoral ministers develop a more compassionate response to victim-survivors who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender.

This thoroughly updated edition includes questions for discussion, a list of additional resources, and contact information for state coalitions working to end domestic violence.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800697556
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 224
  • Publication Date February 1, 2011


"No woman should be forced to choose between the safety of a shelter and the support of her church when she experiences domestic terror. She needs and deserves both. This is our job as Christian leaders: to ensure that she is safe and supported and has the resources to protect herself and her children. We need to assure her that God and the Bible are with her in her hour of need. Jesus unequivocally calls us to be the Good Samaritan to the battered woman and her children. In this book, Rev. Al Miles shows us the way."
—Marie M. Fortune
Founder and Senior Analyst, FaithTrust Institute
Seattle, Washington


  Review in Journal of Christian Nursing  Adobe Acrobat Document
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  Chapter 1;   Adobe Acrobat Document
  Preface;   Adobe Acrobat Document
  Contents;   Adobe Acrobat Document

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