Fortress Press

Galatians: Continental Commentaries


Continental Commentaries

Dieter Lührmann (Author)


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The long-awaited commentary by Dieter Lührmann is now available to English-speaking audiences for the first time. It is a profound, succinctly written dialogue with the text that carefully follows the main points of Paul's arguments in his most controversial letter. The author presents a theological interpretation which takes seriously Paul's claims about the gospel and also provides a distinctive outline based on this close reading of the text. Also included are helpful discussions of the competing theologies of Paul and his opponents, a chart on Paul's career, and a map of the Roman world. Lührmann is a highly acclaimed interpreter of the New Testament. This volume will be a valuable addition to a well-received commentary series.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800696184
  • Dimensions 7 x 9.5
  • Pages 176
  • Publication Date December 1, 1992

Table of Contents

The Content of the Letter
The Beginnings of the Churches in Galatia
The Time and Place of Composition
The Occasion for the Letter
The Significance of the Letter
The Interpretation of the Letter
The Opening of the Letter
The Occasion for the Letter
The Gospel: Faith or Law?
The Thesis
The Way of the Gospel from Damascus to Galatia
Paul's History before His Arrival in Galatia
Paul's Life before His Conversion
Conversion and Initial Missionary Activity in Arabia
The First Visit to Jerusalem
Missionary Activity in Syria and Cilicia
The Second Journey to Jerusalem
The Conflict in Antioch
Questions to the Galations
The Blessing of Abraham and the Curse of the Law
Abraham's Inheritance and the Law
The Promise
The Law
Abraham's Inheritance
The Conversion of the Galations
Hagar and Sarah
Freedom from the Law
Love as the Realization of Freedom
Flesh or Spirit