Fortress Press

Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy, and Public Policy

Climate Justice

Ethics, Energy, and Public Policy

James B. Martin-Schramm (Author)


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Energy issues and climate change have loomed up from issues at the horizon to confront humanity directly and vitally. They are now pressing public-policy challenges of monumental scale and import. James Martin-Schramm draws on decades of involvement with ethics, public policy, and environmental ethics to provide this lucid and astute analysis of the problems and options for addressing energy and climate change.

Martin-Schramm argues that reliance on fossil fuels has produced grave threats to justice, peace, and the integrity of creation. Addressing these threats requires of Christians not simply new individual sensitivities and sacrifices but a new way of living in harmony with the earth and an earnest search for policy that fosters sustainability, reflects values of equity and fairness, and operates on a scale commensurate with the problems. Martin-Schramm proposes a full analysis of the problems and causes of our situation and real principles for an ethic of ecojustice. He also provides specific assessment of norms, policy options, and recommendations in the areas of energy and climate change and a glimpse of what a workable alternative might look like, globally and locally.

Martin-Schramm's work combines solid analysis with genuine commitment to effective policy, all driven by a Christian imperative to understand and tackle this deepest challenge to life itself.

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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800663629
  • eBook ISBN 9781451410587
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 256
  • Publication Date December 15, 2009



Welcome to the Fortress Press website for Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy, and Public Policy. This website contains a study guide, a research guide, and additional teaching resources for those who are reading the book. Click the samples tab on this page to access these resources and check for updates to the site in the future.

Study Guides: These provide questions and suggestions for further reading for each chapter in the book. The questions can be used by students to review content prior to an exam or by instructors to foster discussion about the content of each chapter during class. The suggestions for further reading are drawn almost exclusively from key sources that are referenced in the endnotes for each chapter in the book.

Teaching Resources: These resources provide support to instructors who are using this book in an academic course. Included is a sample syllabus, links to key internet sites, and reading quiz questions for each chapter. These ten-question quizzes are focused on content and consist of true/false and multiple choice questions. Click below to download additional web resources and a sample syllabus.
Additional Web Resources
Sample Syllabus

Instructors may request the reading quiz questions and the key for the reading quizzes by sending an email to

Please direct all questions to Jim Martin-Schramm via the contact information below:

Jim Martin-Schramm
Professor of Religion
Research Chair, Center for Ethics and Public Life
Luther College
700 College Drive
Decorah, IA 52101

Sample Resources
Table of Contents
Chapter One