Fortress Press

1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles

Ralph W. Klein (Author)


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This commentary takes full advantage of recent advances in the textual history of Samuel and Kings, demonstrating in many cases that the differences often ascribed to the Chronicler came in fact from the divergent copy of the canonical books he was rewriting. Klein brings to lively expression the unique theological voice of the Chronicler and demonstrates there have been far fewer secondary additions to the text than is normally assumed.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800660857
  • Dimensions 8.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 592
  • Publication Date May 16, 2006


"A lifetime studying Chronicles comes to its full fruition in this comprehensive commentary on a biblical book that is often overlooked. Klein's deep penetration into the text and meaning of Chronicles is unexcelled in the English language and provides the reader of the book all that he or she needs to understand and expound the meaning of the text. It will be the standard against which other commentaries on Chronicles are measured for years to come."
— Patrick D. Miller, Princeton Theological Seminary

"Here, finally, is the first of two commentary volumes encompassing meticulous and lucid interpretations of everything there is to be pondered at in that eminently theological composition of the postexilic period. Text, ancient manuscripts and versions, English translation, literary growth, forms, history, near eastern geography and ethnology, geo-politics, archaeological evidence, theological concepts — the author pays scrupulous attention to every bit of significant testimony ... produces priceless insights for everyone interested in Hebrew Scriptures and Biblical theology."
— Erhard S. Gerstenberger, Emeritus, Marburg University


1 chronicles1;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Asher;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Benjamin;   Adobe Acrobat Document

David;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Ephraim;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Issachar;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Jeiel;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Judah;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Levites I;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Levites II;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Manasseh;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Naphtali;   Adobe Acrobat Document

Simeon;   Adobe Acrobat Document

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