Fortress Press

The Shepherd of Hermas: A Commentary

The Shepherd of Hermas

A Commentary

Carolyn Osiek (Author), Helmut Koester (Editor)


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Extremely popular in its time, The Shepherd of Hermas is a second-century work often used for instruction of catechumens, and in fact, is widely regarded as scripture. In it Hermas, a rich freed slave whose wealth was not always lawfully obtained, undergoes and relates several visions (including one from an angel disguised as a shepherd), repents, and offers advice on Christian teaching and behavior.

Comprehensive and careful, Carolyn Osiek's is the only full-length commentary on "The Shepherd" in English. Hermas's revelations afford us glimpses of religious imagination, social world, and moral ideals among early second-century Roma

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800660635
  • Dimensions 8.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 320
  • Publication Date July 26, 1999


Hermeneia features original works and first English translations of commentaries by scholars of world-wide significance. "Some of the best biblical scholarship available today." --Presbyterian Survey