Fortress Press

Zephaniah: A Commentary


A Commentary

Marvin A. Sweeney (Author), Paul D. Hanson (Editor)


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The Book of Zephaniah poses a full range of interpretive and hermenutical issues for the modern reader. Sweeney's keen reading of this small, prophetic book opens new doors for Hebrew Bible research. He situates the reading of Zephaniah in the early sixth century b.c.e. rather than the late seventh century b.c.e.

Sweeney's interpretation pays close attention to the often subtle differences between the Masoretic Text, Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, Peshitta, and targums. His methodology includes form criticism, tradition history, and social history.

Key Features:

  • Critical and historical commentary on this prophetic book of the Hebrew Bible
  • Strong text-critical analysis
  • Locates book in Israel's history and Ancient Near Eastern context


  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800660499
  • Dimensions 8.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 250
  • Publication Date September 10, 2003


"In dialogue with recent interpreters, Sweeney draws sound and balanced conclusions about the rhetorical aim, literary form, and historical context of Zephaniah. His analysis is firmly grounded in a painstaking discussion of the philological issues, with excellent coverage of what the ancient versions imply for both textual criticism and the history of interpretation. For the foreseeable future, this commentary will provide an indispensable frame of reference for the scholarly discussion of this prophetic book."
— Michael H. Floyd, Professor of Old Testament, Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest

Table of Contents

    Reference Codes

  1. The Masoretic Version
  2. The Septuagint Version
  3. The Scrolls from the Judean Wilderness
  4. Targum Zephaniah
  5. The Peshitta
  6. The Vulgate and Old Latin Texts
  7. Other Textual Traditions
  8. Zephaniah in Later Traditions

    Designer's Notes