Fortress Press

Daniel: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel


A Commentary on the Book of Daniel

John J. Collins (Author)


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The most comprehensive English-language commentary on Daniel in 65 years. Collins situates the Old Testament in its historical context and offers a full explanation of the text, especially its religious imagery.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800660406
  • Dimensions 8.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 500
  • Publication Date February 1, 1994


"The authors represent not only the best scholarship of our period but they also have the kind of interpretive energy and creativeness that will influence significantly the whole field of biblical studies and the study of religion in this country and elsewhere."

Amos N. Wilder, The Divinity School, Harvard University, Emeritus

"We have for too long been lacking a commentary series with adequate historical, critical and history of religions material. the undertaking of the project of filling this need is in itself a genuine accomplishment."

Gerhard Friedrich, Kiel University