Fortress Press

The Influence of the Holy Spirit: The Popular View of the Apostolic Age and the Teaching of the Apostle

The Influence of the Holy Spirit

The Popular View of the Apostolic Age and the Teaching of the Apostle

Hermann Gunkel (Author), Roy A. Harrisville (Author), Philip A. Quanbeck II (Author)


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This little book, the first by Hermann Gunkel, shattered the reigning images of the New Testament idea of the Spirit. Gunkel's argument not only revolutionized the theology of his time but has continued to be foundational for most subsequent studies on the subject. As he did in so much of his work, Gunkel not only explores the milieu of the New Testament but also demonstrates the dependence of the biblical message upon its religious environment.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800659585
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 144
  • Publication Date January 1, 1979


"The name Hermann Gunkel is as familiar to biblical scholars as their own. Gunkel founded a ‘school,’ fathered form-critical research, and taught most of the giants of the last generation..."
— from the Introduction