Fortress Press

Dirt, Greed, and Sex: Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and Their Implications for Today

Dirt, Greed, and Sex

Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and Their Implications for Today

Louis William Countryman (Author)


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This new revised edition of the landmark 1988 text includes updated text and notes throughout, taking advantage of recent studies of sexual ethics and, where appropriate, criticizing them. A new chapter engages the presumed "ethic of creation" that has become a major theme among more conservative thinkers and writers in biblical ethics. A concluding chapter on sex is thoroughly rewritten and offers a positive statement of a New Testament sexual ethic.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800638481
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 368
  • Publication Date October 15, 2007