Fortress Press

Holy People: A Liturgical Ecclesiology

Holy People

A Liturgical Ecclesiology

Gordon W. Lathrop (Author)


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This sequel to Gordon Lathrop's highly successful Holy Things is an exercise in liturgical theology, viewing the activities of worship as a means of defining and discussing the concept "church." It centers on community and assembly to discuss the sacraments. It focuses on ecumenism and inculturation as central test cases for a liturgically derived idea of church.

In hopes of invigorating the local church, Lathrop explores the meaning of the term "church," the relationship of the local liturgical assembly and other Christian assemblies (catholicity); the personal and communal character of liturgical assembly; the unity of the churches; the critical principles of liturgy and culture; openness to what is radically other; and liturgical evangelization. Lathrop's work grounds a notion of church that is personal yet communal, universal, but not triumphalistic.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800638405
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 256
  • Publication Date June 23, 2006

Table of Contents

    Introduction: Liturgical Ecclesiology and Its Importance

    PART ONE: A People-Church in Liturgical Perspective
  • Assembly
  • With All, in Every Place
  • The Practice of Assembly

  • PART TWO: One People – Liturgy and Church Unity
  • Knowing Something Together
  • Unity and Liturgical Pattern
  • The Practice of Unity

  • PART THREE: Holy People – Liturgical Assemblies and Earth's Peoples
  • Assembly, Baptism, and Culture
  • Assembly, Eucharist, and Culture
  • The Practice of Holiness

  • Appendixes