Fortress Press

Encounters with Biblical Theology

Encounters with Biblical Theology

John J. Collins (Author)


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This important book for use in Old Testament courses is also a valuable resource for those exploring the role of the Bible in culture today. The articles include:

Theoretical Issues
"Is a Critical Biblical Theology Possible?"
"Biblical Theology and the History of Israelite Religion"
"The Politics of Biblical Interpretation"

The Pentateuch
"Faith without Works: Biblical Ethics and the Sacrifice of Isaac"
"The Development of the Exodus Tradition"
"The Exodus and Biblical Theology"
"The Biblical Vision of the Common Good"

Wisdom and Biblical Theology
"The Biblical Precedent for Natural Theology"
"Proverbial Wisdom and the Yahwist Vision"
"Natural Theology and Biblical Tradition: The Case of Hellenistic Judaism"

Apocalyptic Literature
"Temporality and Politics in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature"
"The Book of Truth: Daniel as Reliable Witness to Past and Future in the United States of America"
"The Legacy of Apocalypticism: Christian Adaptations of Jewish Tradition"
"Jesus and the Messiahs of Israel"
"Jewish Monotheism and Christian Theology"

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800637699
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 254
  • Publication Date September 21, 2005


"John Collins is one of the most sophisticated Hebrew Bible scholars active in the discipline today. The breadth of his scholarly work is considerable, ranging from learned exegetical analyses and historical investigations to thoughtful theological studies. These lucid essays demonstrate especially the value of the integration of the history of Israel's religion and its theological reflection."
— Terence E. Fretheim, Elva B. Lovell Professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary

Table of Contents

  1. Is a critical Biblical theology possible?
  2. Biblical theology and the history of Israelite religion
  3. The politics of Biblical interpretation
  4. Faith without works : Biblical ethics and the sacrifice of Isaac
  5. The development of the exodus tradition
  6. The exodus and Biblical theology
  7. The Biblical vision of the common good
  8. The Biblical precedent for natural theology
  9. Proverbial wisdom and the Yahwist vision
  10. Natural theology and Biblical tradition: the case of Hellenistic Judaism
  11. Temporality and politics in Jewish apocalyptic literature
  12. The book of truth : Daniel as reliable witness to past and future in the United States of America
  13. The legacy of apocalypticism
  14. Jesus and the messiahs of Israel
  15. Jewish monotheism and Christian theology