Fortress Press

A Moral Creed for All Christians

A Moral Creed for All Christians

Daniel C. Maguire (Author)


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Maguire urges that Christianity's real relevance for the renewal of American public life lies not in the myopic morality of the Christian Right nor in any particular program of the Left but in the enduring relevance of Jesus and biblical Christianity. He explains Christianity's indispensable moral conviction about God's care, rapport with the earth, the nature of ownership, the bond between justice and peace, the nature of enmity, the illogic of militarism, and the creative potential of the human species. Includes questions for group discussion.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800637613
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 280
  • Publication Date July 26, 2005


"Maguire calls us to choose life...not just with words but with our whole heart and soul, resources and energy."
— Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carpenter Professor of Feminist Theology, Graduate Theological Union

"...a radical and prophetic vision of the justice involved in the reign of God proclaimed by Jesus."
— Charles Curran, Scurlock University Professor of Human Values, Southern Methodist University

Table of Contents

A Christian moral creed
  1. The empire/servility syndrome
  2. How to read the Bible
  3. Re-imagining the world
  4. Justice Bible-style
  5. Prophets: the connoisseurs of tsedaqah
  6. If you want peace, build it
  7. Peace: how ideals die ... and can be reborn
  8. Truth and the tincture of the will
  9. When freedom is a virtue
  10. Hope versus the cringe
  11. Exploring love
  12. Song of joy
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