Fortress Press

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament

George J. Brooke (Author)


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Brooke illuminates the first-century world shared by the Qumran community and the writers of the New Testament.

The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided Old Testament scholars with an enormous wealth of data for textual criticism as well as theology. But, as Brooke skillfully demonstrates, New Testament scholars can use the Scrolls to learn more about the linguistic, historical, religious, and social contexts of Palestine in the first century.

A wide range of topics and themes is discussed, including Matthew's Beatitudes, the lost song of Miriam, Levi and the Levites, women's authority, and the use of scripture in the parable of the vineyard.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800637248
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 336
  • Publication Date May 2, 2005


"Publishing a collection of George Brooke's essays on the scrolls and the New Testament is to be applauded. Brooke, basing himself on his extensive knowledge of and experience with both bodies of literature, sets forth intriguing cases for interrelations between them and does so with his accustomed care and thoroughness. An excellent volume!"
— James VanderKam, John A. O'Brien Professor of Hebrew Scriptures at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana.

"Professor Brooke's collection of studies constitutes the high water mark of research in this field. Readers will be treated to several interesting investigations of the light that the Dead Sea Scrolls shed on the New Testament and Christian origins. Brooke is widely recognized and respected as an authority on the Scrolls and their relevance for biblical interpretation. These stimulating studies are must reading for all who have interest in this important subject."
— Craig A. Evans, Payzant Distinguished Professor, Acadia Divinity College, Wolfville, Nova Scotia

"This collection of essays brings together in one place the work of our most incisive observer of the relationship between the Dead Seas Scrolls and early Christianity and the New Testament. George Brooke eschews the sensationalism otherwise so characteristic of much work on this topic for a more sober, nuanced perspective. The result is a body of work that must be taken into account in any further attempts to reflect on the links between the Qumran community and early Christians, between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament, between Jesus and the Teacher of Righteousness."
— Robert Kugler, Paul S. Wright Professor of Christina Studies, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon