Fortress Press

The Ministry of Children's Education: Foundations, Contexts, and Practices

The Ministry of Children's Education

Foundations, Contexts, and Practices

Various (Author), Margaret A. Krych (Foreword by)


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This highly anticipated resource establishes the importance of children's education to the life of today's faith communities. A very readable textbook, The Ministry of Children's Education presents foundations for education in the faith, explores contexts in which contemporary faith is nurtured, and suggests practical helps for creating programs that work in congregations.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800636364
  • Dimensions 7 x 9
  • Pages 288
  • Publication Date February 24, 2004

Table of Contents

''Theology of Christian Education for Children,'' Margaret A. Krych, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia;

''Who Is the Child? Whose Is the Child? A Theology of Children,'' Norma Cook Everist, Wartburg Theological Seminary;

''The Child Grew: Understanding Children's Development,'' Diane J. Hymans, Trinity Lutheran Seminary;

''Family Ministry,'' Mary E. Hughes, Trinity Lutheran Seminary;

''The Ministry of Children and/in Congregations,'' Nathan C. P. Frambach, Wartburg Theological Seminary;

''Growing Faithful Children in Media Cultures,'' Mary E. Hess, Luther Seminary;

''Growing Faithful Children in the World,'' Nelson T. Strobert, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg;

''Building a Children's Ministry Program,'' Margaret A. Krych, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia;

''Let the Little Children Come: Teaching the Bible with Children,'' Carol R. Jacobson, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary;

''Teaching to Engage Children,'' Susan Wilds McArver, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary