Fortress Press

God for a Secular Society: The Public Relevance of Theology

God for a Secular Society

The Public Relevance of Theology

Jürgen Moltmann (Author), Margaret Kohl (Translator)


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In this masterful analysis of the religious and political dilemmas at the end of the modern age, world-renowned theologian Jürgen Moltmann assays the vaulting dreams and colossal failures of our time. He asks how we came to this point, and he argues strenuously for Christian discipleship and public theology that take sides. In both critical and creative ways he advances the specific relevance of Christian messianic hope to today's thorniest political, economic, and ecological questions—including human rights, environmental rights, globalization, market capitalism, fundamentalisms, and Jewish-Christian relations—and the deeper values contested therein.

In a world reeling between utopia and disaster, Moltmann here passionately and provacatively shows how Christian discipleship, through engagement and solidarity, can blaze a redemptive path.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800631840
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 304
  • Publication Date March 5, 1999


"The founders of the modern age thought of a new, glorious era for the whole human race; but we are surviving on islands of prosperity planted in a sea of mass misery."
— Jürgen Moltmann

Table of Contents



  1. Theology in the Project of Modernity
  2. Covenant or Leviathan? Political Theology at the Beginning of Modern Times
  3. Political Theology and the Theology of Liberation


  1. Christian Faith in the Changing Values of the Modern World
  2. The Destruction and Liberation of the Earth: Ecological Theology
  3. Human Rights—Rights of Humanity—Rights of the Earth
  4. The Knowing of the Other and the Community of the Different
  5. Freedom in Community between Globalization and Individualism: Market Value and Human Dignity


  1. The Pit—Where Was God? Jewish and Christian Theology after Auschwitz
  2. Protestantism: 'The Religion of Freedom'
  3. Liberalism and Fundamentalism in the Modern Era
  4. Dialogue or Mission? Christianity and the Religions in an Endangered World
  5. Theology for the Church and the Kingdom of God in the Modern University

    Bibliography Details of Chapters
    Index of Names