Fortress Press

The Covenanted Self: Exploration in Law and Covenant

The Covenanted Self

Exploration in Law and Covenant

Walter Brueggemann (Author), Patrick D. Miller (Editor)


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These exciting studies on the first five books of the Bible cover a wide range of topics, challenging the reader to confront the issues of faithfulness, responsibility, and justice in an ever-changing world. Brueggemann sets the issues of praise and lament, grace and duty, truth and power in new frames of reference that call for a response. He demonstrates that the Christian reader of the Bible cannot blithely pass over the Pentateuch as simply pre-Christian and without relevance. His creative use of metaphor and imagination invite the reader to encounter freshly in these biblical texts God's call and the work of justice.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800631765
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 160
  • Publication Date August 23, 1999

Table of Contents

Editor's Foreword

  1. "Othering" with Grace and Courage
  2. The Daily Voice of Faith: The Covenanted Self
  3. Duty as Delight and Desire
  4. Justice: The Earthly Form of God's Holiness
  5. The Cunning Little Secret of Certitude:
    On the First Great Commandment
  6. Neighborliness and the Limits of Power in God's Realm:
    On the Second Great Commandment
  7. Truth-telling as Subversive Obedience
  8. "Placed" between Promise and Command
  9. The Truth of Abundance: Relearning Dayenu
Author Index
Scripture Index