Fortress Press

The Torah's Vision of Worship

The Torah's Vision of Worship

Samuel E. Balentine (Author)


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A complement to the author's earlier Overtures to Biblical Theology study on prayer, this volume addresses the topic of worship as articulated in the first five books of the Bible. Rather than a history of Israelite religion, Balentine's volume examines the "vision" of worship expounded in the Torah in relation to priesthood, creation, liturgy, and covenant. He concludes by discussing the contemporary situation of experiencing God's hiddenness and a world caught in despair. Balentine proposes that a fresh look at the Torah offers possibilities of counter-imagination and hope.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800631550
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 280
  • Publication Date July 30, 1999

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Part One: The World That Shaped the Torah's Vision
Part Two: The Torah's Vision: A Priestly Kingdom and a Holy Nation
Part Three: The Vision That Shapes "Another World to Live In"