Fortress Press

Depression and Hope: New Insights for Pastoral Counseling

Depression and Hope

New Insights for Pastoral Counseling

Howard W. Stone (Author)


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This year one in ten adults will experience the isolation and inner barrenness of major depression. It is second only to marital difficulties in causing individuals to seek pastoral counseling.

Depression and Hope is the expert, authoritative guide to appropriate ways for pastoral counselors to think about and treat depression. Building on his counseling practice, research, and personal experience, Howard Stone explains the latest understandings of depression and its symptoms, its spiritual dimensions, the likelihood of suicide, as well as the pros and cons of various drug therapies (including Prozac). In his characteristically readable, no-nonsense way, Stone then offers specific, tested ways for counselors briefly and effectively to address the physical, behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal facets of depression.

Though enigmatic, depression is very treatable, and Stone shows how proper intervention by clergy can facilitate not only strong recovery but also strengthened faith.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800631390
  • eBook ISBN 9781451409802
  • Dimensions 4.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 188
  • Publication Date July 10, 1998

Table of Contents


Introduction -- A View of Depression
Depression on the Rise
The Depressed as Church Members

Chapter 1 -- Characteristics of Depression
Chapter 2 -- Melancholy and Spiritual Desolation
Chapter 3 -- Suicide and Depression
Chapter 4 -- Family Life of the Depressed
Chapter 5 -- Framing Hope
Chapter 6 -- Brief Pastoral Counseling of Depression: A Fourfold Approach
Chapter 7 -- Interpersonal Interventions: Strengthening Intimate Relationships
Chapter 8 -- Physiological Interventions: Prozac and Beyond
Chapter 9 -- Cognitive Interventions: Changing How People Think
Chapter 10 -- Behavioral Interventions: Shifting from Passive to Active Mode
