Fortress Press

Varieties of African American Religious Experience

Varieties of African American Religious Experience

Anthony B. Pinn (Author)


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Anthony Pinn's engrossing survey highlights the rich diversity of black religious life in America, revealing manifestations of an ever-changing black religious quest in four non-Christian indigenous movements.

Based on extensive interviews, travel, and research -- embellished with ample photos, bibliographies, and case studies -- Pinn provides an insider look especially at Voodoo, Orisha devotion, Santeria, the Nation of Islam, and Black Humanism in the U.S. Focusing less on institutional and doctrinal history and more on the varied popular religious practices and sites, his volume highlights, for example, the influence of Caribbean religions in the U.S., practices of divination and healing, the surge of black Muslim religion, the emergence of black humanism, religious influences on the ethical practices of black women, and the import of previously overlooked religious settings (e.g., church women's clubs, local politics, Pentecostal religion, private religious practices).

The emergent picture, more subtle, varied, and vibrant than traditional black Christian denominational history, marks a new era in African American religious studies.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800629946
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 256
  • Publication Date November 19, 1998

Table of Contents

Introduction: Theology and the Canon of Black Religion Rethought
1. Vodou, Voodoo, and the Voodoo Spiritual Temple
2. Santer'a, Orisha-Voodoo, and Oyotunji African Village
3. Islam, Nation of Islam, the Minneapolis Study Group
4. Humanism and African Americans for Humanism
5. Religious Experience, Cultural Memory, and Theological Method