Fortress Press

Pastoral Care of Older Adults

Pastoral Care of Older Adults

Harold G. Koenig (Author), Andrew J. Weaver (Author)


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By the year 2000 more than half of mainline Protestants will be over the age of sixty. Older adults have special needs to which many pastors are not adequately prepared to minister. Pastoral Care of Older Adults addresses such problems, many of which were identified in an extensive survey of clergy. The book provides practical guidance for parish pastors, and other counselors, to deal with such issues as Alzheimer's disease, the chronically ill, relocation, health crises, grief, depression, anxiety, gender differences, poverty, and the issues faced by the children of older adults.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800629649
  • eBook ISBN 9781451403787
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 112
  • Publication Date November 19, 1998


"This volume suggests practical, effective ways that pastors as well as congregations and communities can be involved in ministry with older adults and their families. I regard this book as a welcome and important contribution to the growing body of literature on pastoral care with the aging."
—Melvin A. Kimble, Ph.D., former director of the Center for Aging, Religion and Spirituality (CARS)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 -- What Health Changes Can Be Expected with Normal Aging?
Chapter 2 -- What Can Older Adults Do to Maintain Their Physical Health?
Chapter 3 -- What Can Older Adults Do to Maintain Their Mental Health?
Chapter 4 -- How Can Spiritual Growth Be Facilitated in Later Life?
Chapter 5 -- What Is Alzheimer's Disease and What Can Be Done?
Chapter 6 -- How Can Caregivers and Families Be Helped to Cope with Their Responsibilities?
Chapter 7 -- How Can Community Resources for Older Persons Be Located?
Chapter 8 -- What Information Is Necessary about Nursing Homes?
Chapter 9 -- How Do Older Persons Cope with Disability and Dependency?
Chapter 10 -- What Can Older Persons Do to Feel Useful and Needed?
Chapter 11 -- How Can Older Persons Who Feel Lonely and Isolated Be Helped?
Chapter 12 -- How Can Faith Help Older Persons Cope with Chronic Illness?
Chapter 13 -- How Can Older Person Who Are Depressed, Grieving, or Suicidal Be Helped?
Chapter 14 -- How Can Older Persons Who Are Anxious and Fearful Be Helped?
Chapter 15 -- What Can Be Done to Help Older Persons with Cancer or Terminal Illness?