Fortress Press

The Crucifixion of Jesus: History, Myth, Faith

The Crucifixion of Jesus

History, Myth, Faith

Gerard S. Sloyan (Author)


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Jesus of Nazareth died on a cross at the hands of Roman justice around the year 30 C.E. Thousands of others perished in the same way, and many people before and since have suffered far more gruesome torments. Why then is Jesus, Gerard Sloyan asks, uniquely and universally remembered for his suffering death? How has his death brought solace to many millions?

To answer this question, Gerard Sloyan in this powerful historical tour de force tracks the legacy of the cross across two millennia of Christian reminiscences, piety, art, speculation, and mythicizing. Beginning with New Testament accounts, he shows how Jesus' death came to be seen as sacrificial. He then plots the emergence and development – in theology, liturgy, literature, art – of the conviction that Jesus' death was redemptive, as seen both in soteriological theory from Tertullian to Anselm, in the Reformation and modern eras, and in more popular religious responses to the crucifixion.

Sloyan's impressive scholarship and keen theological insights bring to light both the historical realities of Jesus' death and the many and profound ways in which the cross has been received in the hearts and minds of those who profess Jesus' name.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800628864
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 228
  • Publication Date July 21, 1995

Table of Contents


  1. Crucifixion and Why Jesus Was Sentenced to It
  2. How Jesus' Death Came to Be Seen as Sacrificial and Redemptive
  3. Patristic Attribution of Jesus' Death to the Jews
  4. Theories of Expiation and Satisfaction: From Tertullian to Anselm and Beyond
  5. The Popular Passion Piety of the Catholic West
  6. Modern Soteriological Thinking: Cross, Creation, and Universal Redemption
  7. Piety Centered on Jesus' Sufferings
  8. A Variety of Responses to a Crucified Redeemer

    Index of MTS, LXX and Vulgate Canons
    Index of Authors
    Index of Subjects and Persons
    List of Illustrations