Fortress Press

Resurrection Reconsidered: Thomas and John in Controversy

Resurrection Reconsidered

Thomas and John in Controversy

Gregory J. Riley (Author)


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This study centers on a protracted debate within early Christianity concerning a foundational aspect of the Gospel of Thomas and its related literature: the concept of the body and resurrection. It traces the background of this idea in the Semitic and Greco-Roman world, and its expression in the Thomas literature as a whole: the Gospel of Thomas, Book of Thomas, and Acts of Thomas. But the inspiration for the study, and its main focus, is the controversy between the two closely related Christian communities of Thomas and John, between the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of John, on the issue of resurrection, expressed in John most clearly in the story of Doubting Thomas.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800628468
  • Pages 232
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Publication Date March 1, 1995


"Gregory Riley's reconsideration of the concepts of resurrection and afterlife in the Greco-Roman world is brilliant and convincing. This will become a standard for all future discussion of the resurrection of Jesus in early Christian sources. On the basis of these new insights, the debates between the communities of John and Thomas become a fascinating study in the early controversies of the followers of Jesus. The author's comprehensive knowledge of texts from the ancient world, his admirable exegetical skills, and his philological expertise in dealing with Coptic-Gnostic writings lead to results that few others are able to achieve."
--Helmut Koester
The Divinity School, Harvard University

"This book is sharply focused, patiently argued, and strongly supported by extensive documentation and an exhaustive bibliography. Against the background of scholarly preoccupation with the relationship of the Gospel of Thomas to the Synoptic gospels, it creates the occasion for fresh debate on the relationship of Thomas to John."
--Jack Dean Kingsbury
Union Theological Seminary in Virginia

Table of Contents



Chapter One
Afterlife and Resurrection in the Ancient Mediterranean World
The Background of the Thomas Tradition

Chapter Two
Thomas and the Appearance Stories in John

Chapter Three
The Pericope of Doubting Thomas
John 20:24-29

Chapter Four

The Body and Resurrection in the Thomas Tradition
The Gospel of Thomas

Chapter Five

The Body and Resurrection in the Thomas Tradition
The Book of Thomas and the Acts of Thomas

Summary and Conclusions

Index of Biblical References
Index of Modern Authors