Fortress Press

God in Creation: A New Theology of Creation and the Spirit of God

God in Creation

A New Theology of Creation and the Spirit of God

Jürgen Moltmann (Author)


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The title expresses the book's intention: not to go on distinguishing between God and the world, so as then to surrender the world, as godless, to its scientific 'disenchantment' and its technical exploitation by human beings, but instead to discover God in all the beings he has created and to find his life-giving Spirit in the community of creation that they share. This view—which has also been called panentheistic (in contrast to pantheistic)—requires us to bring reverence for the life of every living thing into the adoration of God. And this means expanding the worship and service of God to include service for God's creation.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800628239
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 384
  • Publication Date September 1, 1993


"Moltmann at his best ... challenging and provocative. For evangelicals interested in contemporary theology, it is must reading.
— Stanley J. Grenz, Christianity Today

Table of Contents

    Preface to the Paperback Edition

  1. God in Creation
    Some Guiding Ideas for an Ecological Doctrine of Creation
    Knowledge of nature as God's creation is participating knowledge
    Creation for glory
    The sabbath of creation
    The messianic preparation of creation to be the kingdom
    Creation in the Spirit
    God's immanence in the world
    The principal of mutual interpenetration
    The cosmic spirit and human consciousness

  2. In the Ecological Crisis
    The Crisis of Domination
    On the Way to an Ecological Theology of Nature
    The Alienation and Liberation of Nature

  3. The Knowledge of Creation
    Covenant, Creation and the Kingdom of God
    'Natural theology'?
    The World as Promise and Anticipation
    Messianic Knowledge of the World
    The Eucharistic Community of Creation

  4. God the Creator
    'In the beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth'
    God's Determination of Himself to be Creator
    Creation out of Nothing
    The Trinitarian Doctrine of Creation
    The Cosmic Spirit

  5. The Time of Creation
    Time as the Repetition of Eternity
    Time as the Eternal Present
    The Time of Creation
    Experiences of Time in the History of God
    The Interlaced Times of History

  6. The Space of Creation
    The Ecological Concept of Space
    The Concept of Homogeneous Space
    The Creation of Spaces and the Space of Creation
    The Problem of Absolute Space

  7. Heaven and Earth
    Why is Creation a Dual World?
    The Heaven of Nature
    The Heaven of Jesus Christ
    The Modern 'Criticism of Heaven'
    God's Glory 'in Heaven as it is on Earth'

  8. The Evolution of Creation
    The Human Being—a Creature in the History of Creation
    Evolution or Creation? False Confrontations—Genuine Problems
    Evolutionary Processes in Nature
    Continuous Creation

  9. God's Image in Creation: Human Beings
    The Original Designation of Human Beings: Imago Dei
    The Messianic Calling of Human Beings: Imago Christi
    The Eschatological Glorification of Human Beings: Gloria Dei
    At Once God's Image and a Sinner
    Social Likeness to God

  10. 'Embodiment is the End of All God's Works'
    The Primacy of the Soul
    Soul and Body
    Life in Health and Sickness

  11. The Sabbath: The Feast of Creation
    The Completion of Creation
    The Blessing of Creation
    The Sanctification of Creation
    The Feast of Redemption
    Jesus and the Sabbath
    Sunday: the Feast of the Beginning

    Appendix: Symbols of the World
    The Great World Mother
    Mother Earth
    The Feast of Heaven and Earth
    The World as Dance
    The Great Theatre of the World
    Play as Symbol of the World
    The World as Work and as Machine
    Symbols Compared in the Messianic Light

    Index of Names