Fortress Press

Reading from This Place, Volume 1: Social Location & Biblical Interpretation in the U.S.

Reading from This Place, Volume 1

Social Location & Biblical Interpretation in the U.S.

Fernando F. Segovia (Editor), Mary Ann Tolbert (Editor)


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Are some readings of the Bible more objective than others? More privileged? More true? How does one's own life situation shape one's reading of the text? What will acknowledgment of the validity of a variety of perspectives mean for historical-critical methods of interpretation?

The present dizzying pluralism of "locations" — not only of ethnicity, class, and gender, but also of social and religious standpoints — presents a daunting challenge to older, mainstream interpretive schemes. In this landmark project, Segovia, Tolbert, and their fifteen other contributors have begun to measure the impact of social location on the theory and practice of biblical interpretation.

This volume signals the critical legitimation of reading strategies that supplement or modify or even in some ways dethrone the historical-critical paradigm that has dominated academic biblical studies for 200 years. It provides immediate and enduring guidance to scholars and students sorting through the complex epistemological, social, historical, and religious questions that issue from this paradigm shift.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800628123
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 336
  • Publication Date February 1, 1995

Table of Contents


    "And They Began to Speak in Other Tongues": Competing Modes of Discourse in Contemporary Biblical Criticism
    Fernando F. Segovia


  1. Acknowledging the Contextual Character of Male, European-American Critical Exegeses: An Androcritical Perspective
    Daniel Patte

  2. Toward a Hermeneutics of the Diaspora: A Hermeneutics of Otherness and Engagement
    Fernando F. Segovia

  3. Social Location and the Hermeneutical Mode of Integration
    Herman C. Waetjen

  4. Reading Texts as Reading Ourselves: A Chapter in the History of African-American Biblical Interpretation
    Vincent L. Wimbush

  5. The Author/Text/Reader and Power: Suggestions for a Critical Framework for Biblical Studies
    Gale A. Yee


  6. They're Nothing but Incestuous Bastards: The Polemical Use of Sex and Sexuality in Hebrew Canon Narratives
    Randall C. Bailey

  7. Reading from My Bicultural Place: Acts 6:1-7
    Justo L. González

  8. "By the Rivers of Babylon": Exile as a Way of Life
    Ada María Isasi-Díaz

  9. Reading the Cornelius Story from an Asian Immigrant Perspective
    Chan-Hie Kim

  10. "Hemmed in on Every Side": Jews and Women in the Book of Susanna
    Amy-Jill Levine

  11. "And I Will Strike Her Children Dead": Death and the Deconstruction of Social Location
    Tina Pippin

  12. Solidarity and Contextuality: Readings of Matthew 18:21-35
    Sharon H. Ringe

  13. A Second Step in African Biblical Interpretation: A Generic Reading Analysis of Acts 8:26-40
    Abraham Smith


  14. The Uninflected Therefore of Hosea 4:1-3
    Walter Brueggemann

  15. Framing Biblical Interpretation at New York Theological Seminary: A Student Self-Inventory on Biblical Hermeneutics
    Norman K. Gottwald

  16. Reading for Liberation
    Mary Ann Tolbert

  17. The God of Jesus in the Gospel Sayings Source
    Antoinette Clark Wire

    The Politics and Poetics of Location
    Mary Ann Tolbert

    Index of Names