Part I: American Public Theology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century
1. The Challenge of Public Theology
- The Meaning of Public Theology
- The Enlightenment Project and the Marginalization of Religion
- The Deconstructing World
2. Current Options in American Public Theology
- The Decline of Protestant Mainline Public Theology
- The Rise of Catholic and Neoconservative Public Theology
- The Future
Part II: The Paradoxical Vision
3. A Contemporary Interpretation
- In Search of the Vision
- The Paradoxical Vision
- The Lutheran Difference
4. The Paradoxical Vision in Modern America: Official Lutheranism
- American Lutheranism until 1960
- The Lutheran Church in American (LCA)
- The American Lutheran Church (ALC)
- The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
- Assessment of Official Lutheranism
5. The Paradoxical Vision in Modern America: Individual Expressions
- Reinhold Niebuhr: Christian Realist
- Glenn Tinder: Hesitant Radical
- Richard John Neuhaus: Neoconservative
Part III: Love Connections: How Theology Becomes Public
6. Indirect Connections
- Shaping Heart and Mind: Indirect and Unintentional Influence
- Applying and Embodying the Vision: Indirect and Intentional Influence
7. Direct Connections
- Articulating Corporate Conscience: Direct and Intentional Influence
- Exercising Power: Direct and Intentional Action
8. Conclusion