Fortress Press

Theology for Skeptics: Reflections on God

Theology for Skeptics

Reflections on God

Dorothee Soelle (Author), Joyce L. Irwin (Translator)


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Here one of the most widely read theologians of our time returns to the most basic question of all: God. Yet she does so with a twist. Soelle's work invites the reader on a personal quest for a new, world-embracing notion of God, one that can counter the gravitational pull of first-world people's political apathy, material acquisitiveness, and spiritual numbness.

In these nine short chapters, Soelle seeks to leverage our incipient desire for social, political, and gender justice into commitment to God's justice. The question of God becomes, then, not an argument or even a summons but a deeper engagement with life itself and its central mysteries.

One of Soelle's most beautiful books, Theology for Skeptics is a brave confession and an engaged meditation on the central themes of religion.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800627881
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 128
  • Publication Date February 1, 1995


"Dorothee Soelle is one tough Christian ... a rare presence in world Christianity because she embodies the best of classical theology, a clear grasp of our broad social crisis, a lyrical quality of expression and a determination to keep faith linked to political reality."
— Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary


"Has it become impossible in our modern age to speak about God? Is there no comprehensible, communicable language for the inner mystery of reality?"
— from Chapter 1

Table of Contents

  1. Speaking of God
  2. Images of God
  3. Names of God
  4. The Unknown God
  5. God's Pain and Ours
  6. Christ, the Man for Others
  7. Cross and Resurrection
  8. Loving God
  9. Trusting God