Fortress Press

The Body of God: An Ecological Theology

The Body of God

An Ecological Theology

Sallie McFague (Author)


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Award-winning theologian Sallie McFague here develops a striking and novel vision of the universe, one that takes seriously and radically both contemporary science and the incarnational commitments of the Christian tradition.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800627355
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 288
  • Publication Date May 1, 1993


"This book matters! Sallie McFague has created something important and necessary—a model of God specifically for the sake of the earth. If traditional concepts of god have alienated us from the bodies of the material world, then what alternative do we have? Is there any sense of transcendence, of spirit, of Christ, of trinity that will help rather than harm the earth today? McFague takes up these great and heavy questions with firmness and authority, with modesty and ambiguity, with wisdom and patience. No one else has yet unfolded with comparable constructive clarity the relation between the earth crisis and our notion of God."
— Catherine Keller, Drew University

"A breakthrough. A wonderful work, one that is likely to have an impact comparable to Models of God. I thoroughly enjoyed this work and found it to be immensely helpful."
— Peter C. Hodgson, Vanderbilt Divinity School

"A very distinctive and important new option for Christian theology. McFague proposes in a clear and challenging way a theological program based on what she calls 'the organic model' for conceiving God. Her model is in keeping with contemporary scientific understandings of the widely accepted common creation story and provides a good basis for reconceiving the Christian understanding of human existence in an ecologically ordered natural world. Very illuminating, with some brilliant insights."
— Gordon D. Kaufman, Harvard Divinity School

Table of Contents


  1. The Ecological Crisis
    A Lament for the Planet
    The Planetary Agenda
    One Theologian's Response: The Model of the Body
    A Meditation on the Body

  2. The Organic Model
    The Classic Organic Model
    The Common Creation Story
    Embodied Knowing, Embodied Doing
    Ecological Unity

  3. A Theology of Nature
    Theology and the Planetary Agenda
    Theology of Nature: Remythologizing Christian Doctrine
    A Reading of Postmodern Science: Organism or Mechanism

  4. At Home on the Earth
    Our Place in the scheme of Things
    Sin: the Refusal to Accept Our Place

  5. God and the World
    A Meditation on Exoduc 33:23b
    Major Models of God and the World
    Spirit and Body
    Creation: Production, Proceation, or Procreation-Emanation?

  6. The Body of God
    The Shape of the Body: The Christic Paradigm
    The Scope of the Body: The Cosmic Christ
    Face, Body, and Spirit: Some Reflections on the Trinity

  7. A New Shape for Humanity
    Eschatology: The Hope for a New Creation
    Ethics: A New Lens for Seeing
    Ecclesia: A Sign of the New Creation
    Some Afterthoughts

    Name Index
    Subject Index