Fortress Press

The Psalms and the Life of Faith

The Psalms and the Life of Faith

Walter Brueggemann (Author), Patrick D. Miller (Editor)


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Walter Brueggemann's unique gift of joining historical-exegetical insights to penetrating observations about the traumas and joys of contemporary life—both personal and social—is here forcefully displayed. Everyone who is familiar with his work knows the power of his speech about "doxological, polemical, political, subversive, evangelical faith: and about the ways such faith is enacted in the praise of ancient Israel and in the church.

Readers of this book will find fresh insight into:
  • the Psalms as prayer and praise
  • the categories of the Psalms
  • the social context in which psalms were prayed and sung
  • the theology of the Psalms
  • the dialogical character of the Psalms
  • justice and injustice in the Psalms
  • the study and "use" of the Psalms by the church
  • praise as an act of basic trust and abandonment
  • the impossible wonders of God's activity that overturn conventional ways of thinking and acting
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800627331
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 240
  • Publication Date September 1, 1995


"The Psalms, for Walter Brueggemann, are not simply ancient texts or routinized elements of a liturgy. As they come to speech, as they are read, they make claims about reality, indeed shape reality in ways more potent and shocking than we usually realize. Brueggemann's great contribution is to uncover the power of these psalms and to awaken us to what is said and done in singing and praying them."
— Patrick D. Miller, from the Introduction

Table of Contents


    Part One: The Psalms as Prayer and Praise

  1. Psalms and the Life of Faith: A Suggested Typology of Function
  2. The Psalms as Prayer
  3. From Hurt to Joy, from Death to Life
  4. The Formfulness of Grief
  5. The Costly Loss of Lament
  6. Praise and the Psalms: A Politics of Glad Abandonment

    Part Two: Covenant and Canon as Context

  7. Prayer as an Act of Daring Dance: Four Biblical Examples
  8. Covenanting as Human Vocation: The Relation of the Bible and Pastoral Care
  9. "Impossibility" and Epistemology in the Faith Tradition of Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 18:1-15)
  10. Bounded by Obedience and Praise: The Psalms as Canon

    Part Three: Interpreted Psalms

  11. Psalms 9-10: A Counter to Conventional Social Reality
  12. Psalm 37: Conflict of Interpretation
  13. Psalm 77: The Turn from Self to God
  14. Psalm 109: Steadfast Love as Social Solidarity

    Scripture Index