Fortress Press

Soul and Psyche: The Bible in Psychological Perspective

Soul and Psyche

The Bible in Psychological Perspective

Wayne G. Rollins (Author)


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Here is a groundclearing work with the first comprehensive bibliography of the field in English. As the subtitle indicates, the book first surveys past research and then plots out a recommended course for the discipline. The first section is an inclusive survey of the diverse psychological approaches to Scripture from precursors in the early church to the developed approaches of the present. The implications of the researches of Freud, Jung, and the post-Freudians for biblical studies are carefully explored, along with studies of biblical scholars who have employed psychological approaches. Rollins seeks to establish an agenda for psychological criticism as a discipline with biblical studies. Major issues and concerns are addressed and explained in a perceptive and understandable manner.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800627164
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 288
  • Publication Date October 11, 1999

Table of Contents



  1. Biblical Psychology: The Early Church to the Early Twentieth Century
    The Origin and Metamorphosis of the Term Psychology
    Biblical Psychology within the Context of the History of Psychology
    Biblical Psychology from Mid-Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Centureis: Two Case Studies
    A Look Ahead

  2. Freud and Jung: Psychoanalysis and the Bible Since 1900
    Sigmund Freud and the Bible
    Carl Gustav Jung and the Bible

  3. Psychological Biblical Criticism in the Twentieth Century
    Psychology and Biblical Studies Up to the 1960s: An Uneasy Relationship
    An Attitudinal Change within Biblical Scholarship Toward Psychology: F.C. Grant, "Psychological Study of the Bible" (1968)
    Psychological Biblical Criticism Since the 1960s: Representative Problems, Approaches, and Applications


  4. What is Psychological Biblical Criticism? Definition and Model
    Toward a Definition of the Field
    Toward a Definition of Terms
    Toward a Psychological Model of the Psyche/Soul/Self
    Toward an Agenda: Fundamental Aspects of a Psychological Critical Approach to the Bible and Its Readers

  5. The Exegetical Agenda: The World of the Text
    The Psychology of Symbols and Archetypal Images
    Unconscious Factors at Work in the History of Biblical Motifs and Cultic Practices
    Psychodynamic Factors in Biblical Narratives
    The Psychology of Biblical Personalities
    The Psychology of Biblical Religious Experience
    The Psychology of Biblical Ethics
    Biblical Psychology

  6. The Hermeneutical Agenda: Between Text and Reader
    The Text and Its Effect on the Reader in Psychological Perspective
    The Reader and Reading in Psychological Perspective
    The History of Biblical Effects in Psychological
    Perspective: Pathogenic and Therapeutic Effects

    Index of Modern Authors
    Index of Biblical and Psychological Subjects