"The Pentateuch continues to elude a definitive interpretation. The challenges to inherited perspectives and the rise of new theories have created an atomization in scholarship that makes a consensus more difficult than ever. In this situation, Campbell and O'Brien set a very important signal. This book represents the whole of the Pentateuch as what it first of all is for the readerand where every interpretation must beginas literature, especially as a part of the history of ancient Israel's literature."
"The authors present in a convenient way the full text of the literary strata and offer detailed and circumspect discussions of the evidence for the various hypotheses. For a rational start in Pentateuchal criticism, this comprehensive work is a must."
Rolf P. Knierim
"Consensus about the division and date of the Pentateuchal sources has been lost and will not soon be restored. This book presents the very best product of classical source research, the lifework of Martin Noth, for the first time in a simple, user-friendly format framed by brief, helpful, and extremely sensitive explanations."
Sean McEvenue