Fortress Press

History of New Testament Research, Vol. 1: From Deism to Tubingen

History of New Testament Research, Vol. 1

From Deism to Tubingen

William Baird (Author)


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Stressing the historical and theological significance of pivotal figures and movements, William Baird guides the reader through intriguing developments and critical interpretation of the New Testament from its beginnings in Deism through the watershed of the Tubingen school. Familiar figures appear in a new light, and important, previously forgotten stages of the journey emerge. Baird gives attention to the biographical and cultural setting of persons and approaches, affording both beginning student and seasoned scholar an authoritative account that is useful for orientation as well as research.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800626266
  • Dimensions 6.5 x 9.3
  • Pages 488
  • Publication Date September 1, 1992


"This informative and engaging volume is not merely a catalog of assorted artifacts retrieved from the attic of New Testament studies. Much more, Baird helps us understand how and why New Testament scholarship has gotten where it is today, and thus how it may most fruitfully move on ahead. His survey of individual scholars and their major contributions brings both to life, and prompts one to hope that the projected second volume will come sooner rather than later."
-- Victor Paul Furnish
