Fortress Press

Genesis: An Introduction


An Introduction

Claus Westermann (Author)


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The introductions from Westermann's three-volume commentary on Genesis in one volume.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800625825
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 288
  • Publication Date August 1, 1992


"The erudition, creativity and literary sensitivity...recommend Westermann's Genesis is a lasting work for years to come."
— Susan Niditch
Hebrew Studies

"These...introductions are, to risk an exaggeration, worth the price of the volumes (in the Continential Commentary series)."
— James Luther Mays

Table of Contents

    Translator's Preface

    Part One: Introduction to the Story of the Primeval Events: Genesis 1-11

  1. The Story of Primeval Events in the Pentateuch and Its Prehistory
  2. The Numerative Sections in Genesis 1-11: The Genealogies as the Framework of the Story of Primeval Events
  3. The Narrative Sections of Genesis 1-11
  4. The Theological Significance of the Primeval Story Literature
  5. The Formation and Theological Meaning of the Primeval Story

    Part Two: Introduction to the Patriarchal Story: Genesis 12-50

  1. The Significance of the Patriarchal Story
  2. The Origin and Growth of the Patriarchal Story
  3. The World of the Patriarchal Story and Its Setting:
  4. The Question of the Time of the Patriarchs
  5. Literature: Genesis 12-50
  6. The Religion of the Patriarchs
  7. Structure and Growth of Genesis
  8. Conclusion to Genesis

    Part Three: Introduction to the Joseph Story: Genesis 37-50

  1. Literature on the History of the Exegesis of Genesis
  2. Other Literature on Genesis

    Supplement to Literature on Genesis 1-50

    Index of Biblical References
    Index of Names and Subjects