Fortress Press

After the Apostles: Christianity in the Second Century

After the Apostles

Christianity in the Second Century

Walter H. Wagner (Author)


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Perhaps the most enigmatic period of the Christian era, the second century was nonetheless decisive for the survival and posture of the fledgling churches. Their scriptural canon, liturgical practices, church structure, doctrinal norms – all were forged in the tumult of this century.

Through deft use of available data and texts, Wagner brings this period to life. Selecting five fateful challenges – issues of Creation, human nature, Jesus' identities, roles of the church, and Christians in society – he shows what was at stake for emerging Christianity in the social and religious currents of its Jewish and Greco-Roman environs and how five key personalities (Ignatius, Justin, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian and Irenaeus) responded. Wagner's text successfully brings events, ideas, persons and movements into a single framework.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800625672
  • Dimensions 5.25 x 9
  • Pages 296
  • Publication Date March 1, 1994


"A concise and accessible treatment of key thinkers and issues in second-century Christianity, written in a clear and readable style."
— Harold W. Attridge

Table of Contents

    The Church at the End of the Second Century
    Rome's Rulers 31 B.C.E.—235 C.E.

    Part I: Kingdom and Empire
  1. Christian Expectations and Frustrations
  2. Jews and Christians
  3. Imperial Visions and Realities
  4. Greco-Roman Dilemmas

    Part II: Challenges for Christians
  5. The First Challenge: Creator and Creation
  6. The Second Challenge: Human Nature and Destiny
  7. The Third Challenge: Indentities for Jesus
  8. The Fourth Challenge: The Church's Place
  9. The Fifth Challenge: Christians and Society

    Part III: Five Leaders Respond
  10. Ignatius of Antioch
  11. Justin Martyr
  12. Clement of Alexandria
  13. Tertullian
  14. Irenaeus of Lyons
  15. Assessments

    Index of Persons and Places of Antiquity
    Subject Index