Fortress Press

The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts: A Literary Interpretation: Volume One: The Gospel according to Luke

The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts

A Literary Interpretation: Volume One: The Gospel according to Luke

Robert C. Tannehill (Author)


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Tannehill shows how the narrative contributes to the impact of Luke's literary whole. The study further shows that Luke's use of recurring words, patterns of repetition and contrast, irony, pathos, and many other features of this narrative contribute to the total fabric of Luke's masterpiece.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800625573
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 358
  • Publication Date September 1, 1991


"Tannehill's main to show how narrative parts contribute to the impact of Luke's literary whole...His study shows how [Luke's use of recurring words, patterns of repetition and contrast, irony, pathos, and many other features of his narrative] contribute to the total fabric of Luke's masterpiece."
— Frederick W. Danker, Concordia Theological Monthly

Table of Contents


  1. Previews of Salvation
  2. John and Jesus Begin Their Mission
  3. Jesus as Preacher and Healer
  4. Jesus' Ministry to the Oppressed and Excluded
  5. Jesus and the Crowd or People
  6. Jesus and the Authorities
  7. Jesus and the Disciples
  8. The Risen Lord's Revelation to His Followers

    Index of Authors
    Index of Primary Texts
    Index of Subjects