Fortress Press

Professing the Faith: Christian Theology in a North American Context

Professing the Faith

Christian Theology in a North American Context

Douglas John Hall (Author)


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What does it mean to profess the faith as North American Christians at the end of the second millennium? Douglas Hall looks to the heart of Christian faith—its teaching about God, Creatures, and Christ—to articulate a critical and creative response to contemporary culture. The core of Hall's trilogy, Professing the Faith is a fresh and frank engagement of the North American context by one of the continent's finest religious thinkers.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800625481
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 560
  • Publication Date November 22, 1996


"One of the profoundest systematic theologies since Tillich. Douglas Hall relates theological issues to the contemporary North American context in a way that should prove to be immensely helpful to pastors and other church leaders who are interested in serious theological reflection."
--Peter C. Hodgson
Vanderbilt Divinity School

"Douglas John Hall may be firmly established as one of America's handful of defining Protestant theologians . . . [His volumes] deserve to be major textbooks in theological seminaries, and specialists can only admire Hall's mastery of the tradition and skill in making his arguments."
--Lee E. Snook
The Christian Century

Table of Contents


Introduction to Volume Two: Professing the Faith
1. The Profession of Faith in North America Today
2. The Contextual Appropriateness of the Profession of Faith
3. The Organization of the Subject

Part I: Theology: The Christian Doctrine of God

Chapter One: "Credo in Deum"
1. The Knowledge of God
2. The Being of God
3. The Works of God

Chapter Two: Questioning the Father Almighty
4. A Critique of Pure Power
5. Rasons for the Ideological Triumph of the Positive
6. God in the North American Context
7. Summary: Power and the Powers

Chapter Three: A Suffering God?
8. After the Death of God, a Quest for Transcendence
9. Knowing the Living God
10. Emmanuel: God-with-Us
11. "God Is at Work in the World..."

Part II: Creaturely Being

Chapter Four: The World and Humanity as Professed by Faith
12. The Perspective
13. The Human Creature
14. Human Nature
15. Human Vocation
16. Creaturely Destiny and Historical Fulfillment

Chapter Five: From Mastery to Passivity
17. The Sisyphus Syndrome
18. The Elevation of the Rational Animal
19. Purpose Located in Superior Being
20. The Humiliation of "The New Adam"
21. The Corrective

Chapter Six: The Integrity of Creation
22. Perspective and Priorities
23. Affirming the World/Resisting Evil
24. Being and Human Being
25. Human Creaturehood and Calling
26. The Destiny of Creation

Part III: Jesus the Christ, Savior

Chapter Seven: Jesus-His Person and His Work
27. The Foundation and Core of Christian Profession
28. Christology: The Identity of Jesus