"This thought-provoking book should be read by all who are interested in understanding the major paradigms that have shaped both the moral development of African-American leaders and their respective visions of the good society. This book not only introduces a new voice in African-American scholarship. It also sets forth the basic elements for significant interdisciplinary dialogue among moral-development theorists, Christian social ethicists, and moral philosophers."
Peter J. Paris
Homrighausen Professor of Christian Social Ethics
Princeton Theological Seminary
"Robert Franklin is the only scholar to capture in a single volume the rich tradition of moral, political, and theological reflection bequeathed by Booker T. Washington, W. E. B DuBois, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. Liberating Visions is a rich, provocative, and highly readable volumeone that will be of enduring value to all who advocate and struggle for human fulfillment and the just society."
Lewis V. Baldwin
Assistant Professor of Religion
Vanderbilt University