Fortress Press

Matthew as Story: Second Edition

Matthew as Story

Second Edition

Jack Dean Kingsbury (Author)


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This work uses literary (narrative) criticism to explore the world of the evangelist Matthew. The focus is on the plot of the gospel story, with discussions of the storylines, Jesus' speeches and journey, the disciples' experiences, and the contemporary community.

The book is a completely revised and enlarged version of the first edition. Two chapters have been added: one discussing the speeches of Jesus and one tracing the storline of the religious leaders. Also, chapter 5 on Jesus' use of "the Son of man" has been substantially rewritten to explain more fully and more clearly the meaning and function of this self-designation. Throughout the book, new topics and insights have been added and developed, and the citations and bibliography have been updated.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800620998
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 192
  • Publication Date August 1, 1988


"To know what is going on in contemporary literary-critical interpretation of Matthew's Gospel, one must read Kingsbury's Matthew as Story, He has been the trailblazer in this area."
— John P. Meier, The Catholic University of America

Table of Contents


  1. Understanding Matthew: A Literary-Critical Approach
  2. The Presentation of Jesus
  3. The Ministry of Jesus to Israel and Israel's Repudiation of Jesus
  4. The Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem and His Suffering, Death, and Resurrection
  5. Jesus' Use of "the Son of Man"
  6. The Great Speeches of Jesus
  7. The Antagonists of Jesus
  8. The Disciples of Jesus
  9. The Community of Matthew
  10. Concluding Remarks

    Selected Bibliography
    Index of References to Matthew