Fortress Press

Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Literary Design

Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel

A Study in Literary Design

R. Alan Culpepper (Author)


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This book is an attempt to make some initial tracing of what the gospel looks like through the lens of "secular" literary criticism. As an interdisciplinary study, the work is an effort to contribute to that dialogue by studying the narrative elements of the Fourth Gospel while interacting occasionally with current Johannine research. It is intended not as a challenge to historical criticism or the results of previous research but as an alternative by means of which new data may be collected and readers may be helped to read the gospel more perceptively by looking at certain features of the gospel. This process is to be distinguished from reading the gospel looking for particular kinds of historical evidence.

Our aim is to contribute to understanding the gospel as a narrative text, what it is, and how it works. The emphasis will be upon the construction of hypotheses or critique of methods. The gospel as it stands rather than its sources, historical background, or themes is the subject of this study.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800620684
  • Pages 256
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Publication Date January 1, 1987


"Careful study of this book would provide an excellent beginning to an exegetical course on John. At the same time, it should also provide a valuable resource for those who teach John in classics, philosophy, or English courses."
— Pheme Perkins


This book is an attempt to make some initial tracing of what the gospel looks like through the lens of "secular" literary criticism. As an interdisciplinary study, the work is an effort to contribute to that dialogue by studying the narrative elements of the Fourth Gospel while interacting occasionally with current Johannine research. It is intended not as a challenge to historical criticism or the results of previous research but as an alternative by means of which new data may be collected and readers may be helped to read the gospel more perceptively by looking at certain features of the gospel. This process is to be distinguished from reading the gospel looking for particular kinds of historical evidence.
— from the Introduction

Table of Contents

    Preface to the Paperback Edition

  1. Introduction

  2. Narrator and Point of View
    Expositional Mode
    Point of View
    Relationships within the Text

  3. Narrative Time

  4. Plot
    What is Plot?
    Does a Gospel Have a Plot?
    What is John's Plot?
    Plot Development in John

  5. Characters
    Characterization in Contemporary Criticism
    Characterization in the Gospel of John
    Jesus and the Father
    The Disciples
    The Jews
    The Minor Characters

  6. Implicit Commentary

  7. The Implied Reader
    Readers and Narratees
    John's Readers
    Synthesis of the Portrait

  8. Conclusion

    Index of Authors
    Index of Primary Texts
    Index of Subjects