Fortress Press

Between the Sexes: Foundations for a Christian Ethics of Sexuality

Between the Sexes

Foundations for a Christian Ethics of Sexuality

Lisa Sowle Cahill (Author)


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The basis for a Christian sexual ethic, says Cahill, is a correlation of four sources: Scripture, Christian tradition (of faith, theology, and practice), philosophy, (normative accounts), and the empirical sciences (descriptive accounts).
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800618346
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 106
  • Publication Date May 1, 1985


"A down-to-earth, common-sense approach to a Christian ethics of male-female relationships that is both compassionate and convincing…Christians seeking to practice their Christian faith in our world of sexual confusion and turmoil will appreciate Cahill's daring insights."'
– Deane Willliam Ferm, St. Luke's Journal of Theology

"Cahill's book is a welcome contribution to current discussion of sexual morality; its argument cuts a path between the extreme positions of popular current polemics and established grounds for a solid Christian ethics of sexuality, substantively and methodologically. Subsequent writings, if they are competent, will have to deal with her argument. That is the highest tribute a review can, I think, give to any book."
– James M. Gustafson, America

Table of Contents


  1. Sexuality and Christian Ethics: How to Proceed
  2. The Bible and Ethics: Hermeneutical Dilemmas
  3. "Male and Female": Sexual Differentiation in Genesis
  4. New Testament Perspective on Community, Set, and the Sexes
  5. Gender Roles: The Bible and Beyond
  6. Thomas Aquinas; Marriage, Procreation, and the Law of Nature
  7. Martin Luther: Marriage, Procreatoin, and Sola Scriptura
  8. The Ethics of Sexuality in Christian Perspective

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