Fortress Press

The Lutherans in North America: Revised Edition

The Lutherans in North America

Revised Edition

E. Clifford Nelson (Editor)


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This book gives today's Lutherans a sense of heritage, identity and continuity, a sense of self-understanding. Readers will see themselves as part of a family. They can identify with the struggles, hopes, and frustrations of wave after wave of immigrants adapting to the strange new world of America and at the same time trying to preserve all they had known and loved and brought with them from the homeland. The genius of the entire volume is that it points beyond family memories to an ongoing and continuing life of which we and our children are a living part. Contributors: Theodore G. Tappert, Eugene Fevold, Fred W. Meuser, H. George Anderson, August R. Suelflow, and E. Clifford Nelson.

Please note: Fortress Press is aware that two pages are missing from this title but we are retaining it in print, despite this error, due to this book's importance to the field.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800614096
  • Dimensions 7.25 x 10
  • Pages 576
  • Publication Date January 1, 1976

Table of Contents

Editor's Preface

II The Early National Period

III Following the Frontier

IV Coming of Age

V Facing the Twentieth Century

VI The New Shape of Lutheranism


Supplement to the Revised Edition