Fortress Press

Christian Dogmatics: Volume 2

Christian Dogmatics

Volume 2

Carl E. Braaten (Editor), Robert W. Jenson (Editor)


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Volume 2 treats atonement, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, the sacraments, justification by faith, and eschatology.

  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800607043
  • Dimensions 6.25 x 9.31
  • Pages 624
  • Publication Date February 1, 1984

Table of Contents

Seventh Locus: The Work of Christ by Gerhard O. Forde
1. The Shape of the Tradition
2. Luther's Theology of the Cross
3. Reconciliation with God
4. Atonement as Actual Event

Eighth Locus: The Holy Spirit by Robert W. Jenson
1. The Spirit That Spoke by the Prophets
2. Pneumatological Soteriology
3. Spirit-Discourse as the Church's Self-interpretation
4. Cosmic Spirit

Ninth Locus: The Church by Philip J. Hefner
1. The Doctrine of the Church—Focus and Challenges
2. The Being of the Church
3. Basic Elements of the Church's Life
4. The Church and the Kingdom of God

Tenth Locus: The Meaning of Grace by Hans Schwarz and Robert W. Jenson
Part One: The Word by Hans Schwarz
1. The Biblical Understanding of the Word of God
2. The Dynamics of God's Word
Part Two: The Sacraments by Robert W. Jenson
3. Sacraments of the Word
4. Baptism
5. The Supper
6. The Return to Baptism

Eleventh Locus: Christian Life by Gerhard O. Forde
1. Justification
2. Justification and Sanctification
3. Justification and This World
4. Justification Today

Twelfth Locus: Eschatology by Hans Schwarz
1. The Biblical View of the Future
2. Continuing Tensions in the History of Eschatology
3. Major Currents in Christian Eschatology
4. Secular Options
5. The Content of Christian Hope