Fortress Press

Christian Dogmatics: Volume 1

Christian Dogmatics

Volume 1

Carl E. Braaten (Editor), Robert W. Jenson (Editor)


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Volume 1 discusses dogmatics, the Trinity, the identity of God, creation, sin, and Christology.
  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800607036
  • Dimensions 6 X 9
  • Pages 572
  • Publication Date January 1, 1983

Table of Contents

First Locus: Prolegomena to Christian Dogmatics by Carl E. Braaten
1. Theology and Dogmatics
2. The Heritage of Dogmatics
3. The Fundamentals of Dogmatics
4. The Holy Scriptures

Second Locus: The Triune God by Robert W. Jenson
1. The Triune Name of God
2. The Trinitarian Logic and Rhetoric
3. The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Dogma
4. The One and the Three
5. The Being of God
6. The Attributes of God

Third Locus: The Knowledge of God by Paul R. Sponheim
1. The Reality and Revelation of God
2. The Reception and Recognition of Revelation
3. God's Call and the Human Question about the Ground of Life
4. The Human Quest and God's Free Answer

Fourth Locus: The Creation by Philip J. Hefner
1. The Biblical Witness to Creation
2. The Creation of the World
3. The Human Being
4. The Continuing Work of Creation
5. Challenges to the Ongoing Doctrinal Task

Fifth Locus: Sin and Evil by Paul R. Sponheim
1. The Nature of Sin
2. The Origin of Sin
3. The Effect of Sin
4. Metaphysical and Natural Evil
5. The Work of God against Evil

Sixth Locus: The Person of Jesus Christ by Carl E. Braaten
1. The Nature and Method of Christology
2. The Historical Jesus and the Kingdom of God
3. Classical Christology and Its Subsequent Criticism
4. The True Humanity of Jesus Christ
5. The True Divinity of Jesus Christ
6. The Humiliation and Exaltation of Jesus Christ
7. The Uniqueness and Universality of Jesus Christ