Understandings of the Church
Understandings of the Church explores the ways imagery is used by biblical writers and early Christian teachers such as Cyprian, Ignatius of Antioch, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen to describe the concept of church. Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources is a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice. Developed in light of recent patristic scholarship for new generations of students of theology, the volumes will provide a representative sampling of theological contributions from both East and West.
Atlas of the European Reformations
A new atlas of the European Reformations has been keenly needed. Fortress Press is pleased to offer the Atlas of the European Reformations.
The Challenge of History: Readings in Modern Theology
This volume, edited by Christophe Chalamet, traces the development of modern theology through key readings from over thirty-five theologians, from Erasmus to Pannenberg, whose writings relate to the birth of modern historical and critical exegesis and, more broadly, to the emergence, among theologians and biblical scholars, of a certain historical consciousness that characterizes vast segments of modernity. This volume is an ideal textbook for in-depth study of one of the most important topics in modern theology.
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The Annotated Luther, Volume 6: The Interpretation of Scripture
This volume features Martin Luther the exegete and Bible teacher. His vast exegetical writings and lectures on Scripture are introduced through important examples from both...
Women and the Christian Story: A Global History
For most of its history, Christianity has told its stories from the perspective of men. Jennifer Hornyak Wojciechowski foregrounds the story of Christian women for a new era. Be they powerful or nameless, saintly or flawed, women across two millennia and six continents are allowed to speak fully to their part in the spread of a global faith.
A Widower's Lament: The Pious Meditations of Johann Christoph Oelhafen
This book deals with Christian lament in the late Reformation by exploring the efforts of a talented yet little-known layman to cope with the death of his beloved wife. It provides full access to the remarkable work of private devotion that he authored to express his lament.
A work of haunting candor and searching faith, The Pious Meditations furnishes insight into life in the past as well as resources for life in the present.
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The Herods: Murder, Politics, and the Art of Succession
The Herods explores the Herodian rule from Herod the Great's father, Antipater, until the dynastic sunset with Bereniké, Herod's great-granddaughter, describing the theocratic aims that motivated Herod and his progeny, and the groups and factions within Judaism and Christianity that often defined themselves in opposition to the Herodian project.
Understanding Zionism: History and Perspectives
Understanding Zionism introduces the rise and development of the Zionist movement, its various streams, and the impact of Zionism on government and society in Israel. The book examines special topics, such as the phenomenon of Christian Zionism, movements of opposition to Zionism, and frameworks regarding the future direction(s) of Zionism.
The Freedom of a Christian, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
Timothy J. Wengert skillfully sheds light on Luther's popular treatise. As controversy concerning his writings grew, Luther wrote a reconciliation-minded letter to Pope Leo X (1475-1521). To this letter he appended a nonpolemical tract describing the heart of his beliefs, The Freedom of a Christian.
Marriage and Sexuality in Early Christianity
Marriage and Sexuality in Early Christianity is part of Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an...
Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church
Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church is part of Ad Fontes, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice. The books in the series will make the wealth of early Christian thought available to new generations of students of theology and provide a valuable resource for the Church. This volume focuses on how Scripture was interpreted and used for preaching, teaching, apologetics, and worship by early Christian scholars and church leaders.
A People's History of Christianity: One Volume Student Edition
The essential material from A People's History of Christianity is available for classroom use covering topics of Early Christianity.
Women Reformers of Early Modern Europe: Profiles, Texts, and Contexts
This volume provides an expansive view of women negotiating their faith, voice, and agency in the religious scene of the sixteenth-century Reformations. Biographical chapters are accompanied by "in her voice" text samples, images, theme articles, and recommended readings. Features the work of thirty-four international experts in the field.
A History of Luther Seminary: 1869-2019
Church historian and Luther faculty member Mark Granquist provides a new and comprehensive history of Luther Seminary just in time for the celebration of the institution's 150th anniversary (1869-2019). It also explores recent history, analyzes the challenges faced by the ELCA, and the major shifts in theological education in the early 21st century, and includes a gallery of photos chronicling Luther's history.
Wealth and Poverty in Early Christianity
Wealth and Poverty in Early Christianity is part of Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice. This volume is designed to introduce the reader to the broad range of texts that reflect early Christian thoughts and practices on the topic of wealth and poverty.
Church and Empire
The history of the church's relationship with governing authorities unfolds from its beginnings at the intersection of apprehension and acceptance, collaboration and separation. This volume is dedicated to helping students chart this complex narrative through early Christian writings from the first six centuries of the Common Era. Church and Empire is part of Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources, a series designed to present ancient Christian texts essential to an understanding of Christian theology, ecclesiology, and practice.
Introduction to the History of Christianity: Second Edition, Course Pack
The most popular introduction to Christianity ever published, Dowley's work tells in an engaging way the dramatic, intriguing, and often surprising story of Christians in...
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
In his The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Martin Luther set forth a reconsideration of the sacramental Christian life that centered on the word. His thesis is that the papacy had distorted the sacraments with its own traditions and regulations, transforming them into a system of control and coercion.
The Bondage of the Will, 1525 (abridged): The Annotated Luther Study Edition
In autumn 1525, Luther wrote The Bondage of the Will as a response to humanist and theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam, who had criticized Luther's teachings in the diatribe On Free Will. Luther's argument on the matter of the bound and free will poses a challenge and an invitation for constructive contemporary theology.
Treatise on Good Works, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
Timothy J. Wengert shows Luther's Treatise on Good Works to be one of the clearest introductions to Luther's reforming work and theology. Luther's goal was to commend a new, down-to-earth piety to all Christians through a radically different meaning of good works that would transform the way believers practiced their faith.
Education Christian History
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