Insights from Performance Criticism
Peter S. Perry describes the rise of performance criticism and its application to biblical studies and theology. He discusses the new understanding of biblical texts, particularly Gospel writings, that performance criticism has proposed, and presents challenges for the future of performance criticism and its role in biblical interpretation generally.
Insights from African American Interpretation
Each volume in the Insights series discusses discoveries and insights gained into biblical texts from a particular approach or perspective in current scholarship. Accessible and appealing to...
Insights from Archaeology: Reading the Bible in the Twenty-First Century
Each volume in the Insights series presents discoveries and insights into biblical texts from a particular approach or perspective in current scholarship. Accessible and appealing...
Insights from Cultural Anthropology
In this volume, Karl Allen Kuhn provides a description of what cultural anthropology is and how the discipline has impacted biblical studies. Looking at Scripture...
Insights from Filmmaking for Analyzing Biblical Narrative
In this volume, Gary Yamasaki develops an innovative approach to biblical narrative, exploring the way stories are treated in filmmaking, and using that as a...
Insights from Reading the Bible with the Poor
Insights from Reading the Bible with the Poor provides a spirited introduction to methodologies and strategies for reading the Bible “from below.” Drawing on the lineage of various methods of reading the Bible with the poor, the book invites poverty and biblical study into dialogue with real-world organizing to seek justice for those most often treated as “Other.” For any reader interested in community organizing as well as students of the Bible.
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Insights: Reading the Bible in the 21st Century
Each volume in the Insights series presents discoveries and insights into biblical texts from a particular approach or perspective in current scholarship. Accessible and appealing to today's students, each Insight volume discusses:
-how this method, approach, or strategy was first developed and how its application has changed over time;
-what current questions arise from its use;
-what questions remain for future scholarship.